Color flavors


Viktor Bañales is an audiovisual artist from Mexico City. Why am I writing in the third person? I don't know, I sound more interesting.
Although it may seem surprising, in real life I am a boring person who, like Diderot, comes up with an ingenious answer already when he goes out on the stairs.

When I started writing comics I wasn't sure what kind of humor it would be (and today I still have a mix of absurd, dark, simple and overthought humor) and that's why I called it assorted color flavors, a rich collection of silly visual experiences. But one day, stupidly, I didn't pay for the domain and I just had to keep colorFlavors.

As influences I could say that in the beginning I wanted to be like xkcd but now I aspire more to Moonbeard and Mr.Lovenstein.

Social Media

Here I upload illustrations and some 3D and VFX projects. If many people demand it, I will open an account just for my comics.

Ramblings and occasionally some tips. Spanish only.

My comics started in tumblr but since the adult-content debacle I'm thinking in delete the account.

I made a playlist that I update every week with rock and indie pop. I try to put bands with less than 20,000 listeners per month.

Suggestions, bug reports, greetings, translation errors and death threats to: hola[at]

Made with Jekyll, Bootstrap and a lot of suffering.